Friday, April 10, 2009

This is what the table near us was eating...

Family Paper Dosa - never seen one before in my life until tonight!
(and the family was really nice about letting me AND my friend take pictures)


Tania said...

seriously - what does the normal one look like? I think you need to post a picture of that for scope!

Tricia said...

Hahaha! I love dosa...but man! the one you have there doubles as a horn to call antelope or deer.

That is crazy. I can just picture biting right into the middle where the young boy is sitting.

J said...

i see that it is big...
but what IS IT?
is it like a taco shell?
a large piece of bread?
thanks for posting!!

Kathy said...

Continuing Js post...
Is it like sugar cane?

Kathy said...

OK never mind I wikipediaed it... I have actually eaten Dosa! IT just looked so big and different!
J, it is kind of like a pancake rolled up. Must have been a big pan!