Sunday, June 21, 2009

Better than a bidet

One thing I will REALLY miss about living here is this:

Not the toilet, but the white hose-looking thing to the right. I do not know the official name for it, but I call it a sprayer. Its cultural use is to spray your bum after you go short toilet (pee) or long toilet (poop) instead of using toilet paper. I use the sprayer AND toilet paper. The sprayer for the bits and the rinse and then the toilet paper for the dry.

I think it is better than a bidet because you do not have to move to another contraption to get the "rinse" and you have control over where the stream is spraying as well as the intensity. I have asked Jerry if he can install one wherever we end up living when we move back to Houston. He has said, "Yes."

So, if you end up coming over to our place in Houston one day and need to go to the bathroom...


Tania said...

that is too funny! my sister-in-law has this thing for her toilet that makes it a bidet . . . something like this - what will they come up with next!?!?

mommapao said...

so is that other brush in the corner to get the "hard to reach bits?"

Unknown said...

at least you have it on a hose. when i was in india, we used a tap and a bucket... =)