Wednesday, January 7, 2009

a little more reverse culture shock

This also has to do with cars. Here, I see dirty cars every where. In S Asia, there are hardly any dirty cars. It's kinda weird, right? Well, in S Asia, everyone's car is washed every day. The cars may be run down and falling apart, but they are for the most part clean! We have our car washed or rinsed down six days a week for what amounts to $5 a month. And many would say that we are being too generous.

Speaking of cars, we were riding around in Jerry's Suzuki Forenza the other day and I could not get over how nice it is! Mind you, this was a budget purchase and I usually balked at having to ride in it before we moved because I preferred riding around in my Subaru Forester. But now, the Forenza seems palatial!

Me to Jerry while in the car:
"This is so nice! I feel like we are riding around in luxury! There's so much room! These seats are really nice. I can't believe we had enough money to buy a car this nice. It even has a radio!"

So, I am thinking that all of this will work in our favor when we move back to Houston. By that time, my car will be almost nine years old, but I will be more than satisfied driving it. And the Forenza - maybe we'll still feel privileged to have it even when it turns 20!

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