Wednesday, April 23, 2008

weather report

So, it cooled down to 102 degrees today (one site said it was 105), down from 106 last weekend. And it should cool down even more to 98 by the beginning of next week. This heat is crazy.

From the local newspaper today:

Damned if you go out, damned if you stay in.

“You can’t get out because of the sweltering heat and it is difficult to stay indoors because of power cuts. It can’t get worse than this,” said 63-year-old Anima Banerjee...

The maximum temperature read 38.6 degrees Celsius and the discomfort index shot up to 66.4 degrees Celsius, 11 notches above normal, on Tuesday...

The discomfort index, calculated by taking into account factors like temperature, wind-flow pattern and humidity, bore evidence of the misery.

So, instead of heat index, we have the discomfort index, which is a pretty good moniker if you ask me. Anyhow, do you know what 66.4 Celsius means in Fahrenheit?? 151.52 !!!

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