Thursday, November 1, 2007

Back in K

I am back from a wonderful 2 week visit with my sister in Madrid. We also did a side trip to Turkey. I will blog about Spain and Turkey next time.

I knew I had arrived back in K when I stepped off the plane and went down the stairs into some humidity and then boarded a loud, rickety old bus that took us to the terminal. I then went to get a luggage cart and the first one I pulled was missing a wheel and the second one was missing one of the slats where the luggage rests. I got a third one that pulled to the right, but oh well....

I went through culture shock again upon my arrival this second time to K. I should have been more prepared after a short chat with a gentleman from K on the plane ride over. He remarked that we had only 45 minutes until we would be able to get off the plane. I replied that I could not wait until we landed. He looked at me funny and then asked if I had been to K before! I was mostly anxious to land so I could see Jerry again. Two weeks is a long time to be apart. We had a lovely reunion at the airport and later we both admitted that we almost started tearing up!

I had forgotten just how dirty and dark the streets are here. I think I was just getting used to everything when I left for Europe. I was quickly re-acclimated during a car trip today when we were literally stopped in traffic for about 40 minutes with people, bicycles, autorickshaws, bicycle rickshaws, cars, carts, trucks, dogs and of course cows all trying to share the road. I distinctly remember being in Madrid the first day and looking around and being in awe of all of the new looking cars that had no dents! Anyhow, the 40 minute traffic jam was on the way back. On the way, we were stopped at some railroad tracks. I was told that sometimes we have to wait only 10-15 minutes for the train to pass and sometimes it take HOURS! And they said it so matter of factly as they started taking their shoes off to relax while we waited. Fortunately, we had to wait only 15 minutes.

I am looking forward to getting reacquainted with the city and see past the uncomfortable to the beauty that lies beneath.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure wherever Jerry is... is where you want to be... Glad to hear to made it back safe.

My adventures at home have not been quite as exciting as yours. I was almost run into this week will driving the merc. I was upset because the guy that almost hit me did not have damage to his truck... but my wheel got scraped. Ugh! The other day left for work and made sure the dogs were secure. Rosie cage was locked in the same area as Frankie's gate area. There were not towels in the cage or near the cage. When I came home, there was a towel spread out in the bottom the cage. How did she do that? I am now considering get a web cam to check on the dogs. C-